
  • Polymeric Deflocculant Liquid is a specially designed drilling fluid additive used to optimize drilling efficiency and wellbore stability in various drilling operations. Its unique polymeric formula allows it to effectively deflocculate and disperse drilling fluids, improving drilling efficiency and reducing the risk of blowouts. Its high molecular weight and specialized formula enable it to form a strong film on the wellbore walls, preventing fluid loss and reducing friction. Its advanced formula also helps to improve drilling efficiency, reduce drilling time, and enhance overall wellbore stability.


    – Drilling fluid additive
    – Deflocculation and dispersion of drilling fluids
    – Improving drilling efficiency
    – Reducing the risk of blowouts
    – Wellbore stability
    – Drilling performance optimization

    Chemical Properties:

    – Appearance: clear or yellowish liquid
    – pH: 7-9
    – Solubility: water-soluble
    – Density: 1.1-1.2 g/cm
    – Boiling Point: 140-150°C
    – Melting Point: 60-70°C
    – Viscosity: 1.0-2.0 cP

    Mechanical Compositions:

    – Polymeric Deflocculant Liquid: proprietary formula


    – API (American Petroleum Institute)
    – ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
    – CAS Number: proprietary

    Common Sizes:

    – 25 kg (55 lbs) drums
    – 50 kg (110 lbs) drums
    – 1,000 kg (2,200 lbs) bulk containers
    – Other sizes available upon request

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